We are an expanding global supplier responsible for design, development, manufacture, and sales of auto parts.

<A lineup of 20,000 auto parts>


Ohashi Technica’s expansion is based on three functions: factory production, fabless manufacturing, and technical development. Through these functions, we solve customers’ problems and supply the ideal and best auto parts for their needs.

Factory production

  • We have set up production bases in Japan, the US, China, and Thailand to help customers implement local production.
  • Ohashi Giken, Inc., our mother plant, supports overseas factories with technical development and manufacturing know-how.


Fabless manufacturing

  • Our network of approximately 300 subcontractors enables the ideal and best procurement for a broad range of processing technologies.


Technical development

  • We develop new applications for original Ohashi Technica technology.
    - Pressure projection welding method
  • We develop new products.
    - Use of technology for precision cold forging
    - Use of technology for combined machining

We anticipate our customers’ issues and needs and propose and implement solutions speedily.

We anticipate the issues and needs of customers including auto manufacturers and auto part unit (equipment) manufacturers and use our rich subcontractor network and one-of-a-kind Ohashi Technica technical and production capabilities to supply the ideal parts.