All information provided on this Web site is not intended to solicit purchase or selling of the shares of Ohashi Technica, Inc.
Neither the Company nor the informant will accept any liability for any loss whatsoever arising from the use of this information.
Each recipient of the information shall be solely responsible for making its own investment decision.
Please be aware that information will not necessarily reflect the latest situation.
The Company discloses important information such as management decisions, corporate events and information related to earning results that will affect investment decisions, in compliance with the regulation of timely disclosure set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The Company’s basic disclosure policy is to fairly, promptly and extensively disclose information, including ones that are not required by this regulation, to satisfy investors and security analysts.
Important information that applies to the regulation of timely disclosure set by Tokyo Stock Exchange will be registered in the “Tdnet system” provided by the TSE, in compliance with the regulation.
After the registration, the Company will provide the same information to the news media as well as posting it on the Company’s Web site.
When disclosing information that does not apply to the regulation of timely disclosure, the Company makes special considerations to ensure that information will be delivered as fairly as possible through the Web site and news media.
In compliance with Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the regulation on timely disclosure set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company will disclose in a timely manner information regarding management decisions, corporate events, financial results, or when the Company receives inquiries by the TSE, or when there are important changes or cancellations in corporate data already disclosed.
The Company actively discloses information that does not apply to the regulation of timely disclosure but is determined by the Company to be useful for investment decisions.
Specifically, the Company discloses such information as mid-term management plans, supplementary data and presentation materials from results briefings, etc.
In addition to earning results disclosures through semi-annual earnings briefings, the Company also discloses quarterly reports on consolidated earning results in compliance with the regulation on timely disclosure.
The Company occasionally provides the outlook on future earnings in addition to the earnings forecast contained in earnings briefings.
Press reports, results briefings, various materials and Q&A may include a forecast or view on future earnings.
In any case, all forward-looking information is based on the Company’s decision at the time of its creation under certain assumptions.
Therefore, information on the future earnings will be subject to change without advance notice due to changes in assumptions, and actual earnings may differ materially from the forecast due to various factors.