The Ohashi Technica Group's operations are exposed to the following risks which may affect its operating results, financial position, stock price, etc. We cannot rule out the possibility that in addition to these risks, others that are difficult to predict may suddenly become manifest with the expansion of or changes in our business activities. We will work to minimize potential risks and take appropriate measures should any arise. Forward looking statements, i.e. statements pertaining to the future, that appear below are based on the Ohashi Technica Group's projections as of the end of the current consolidated fiscal year.
Changes in the business climate, financial circumstances and other economic trends in Japan or other countries where the Ohashi Technica Group does business as well as consequent changes in automobile production or consumer spending trends may affect the group's performance and financial position.
Since the Ohashi Technica Group is currently engaged in production and sales activities in the United States, China, ASEAN and Europe, fluctuations in exchange rates may affect the group's performance and financial position.
The Ohashi Technica Group is a parts supplier offering both a "factory solution" at our own production facilities and a "fabless solution" for joint parts manufacturing with domestic partner companies. While our businesses are classified into the three categories of automotive parts, information and communication-related parts and other related parts, the ratio of automotive parts is overwhelmingly high. Due to this heavy concentration on the automotive industry, trends in auto manufacturing may affect the group's performance and financial position.