As a solution provider Ohashi Technica is engaged in a variety of industries, communities and geographical areas. It is essential for us to build harmonious relationships and share common values with a wide range of stakeholders, including our customers and partners in the automotive and information technology industries, as well as consumers who are the end users of our customers' products. Good corporate citizenship is the key to being a well trusted company.


In order to promote good corporate behavior in each and every one of our employees around the world, we adopted the Charter of Corporate Behavior in March 2005, clearly outlining ideal relationships between Ohashi Technica and its stakeholders. We have positioned corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the center of our operations and committed ourselves to creating a sustainable future through our corporate activities.

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

  1. Engage in environmentally sustainable corporate management
  2. Link environmental conservation with product quality
  3. Raise employee morale and awareness of global environmental protection

Basic Environmental Policy

  1. We will promote resource and energy conservation, waste reduction, recycling, and green procurement among our suppliers in order to protect the Earth's environment.
  2. We will develop and maintain environmental management systems in order to implement continuous improvements and prevent pollution.
  3. We will comply with environmental laws and regulations and observe all agreements with our stakeholders.
  4. We will set environmental goals and targets for environmental initiatives and review them on a regular basis.

We will implement and maintain these principles, ensure that all of our employees (including part-time and temporary workers) adhere to them, and promote them outside the company.