About Ohashi Technica
Our 4 advantages

We are a globally expanding auto parts supplier.
Our customers are auto manufacturers and auto part unit (equipment) manufacturers.

Why do they choose Ohashi Technica over the many other auto parts suppliers? 
Here are the four advantages that set Ohashi Technica apart from the rest.

Advantage 1 Technical expertise : All of Ohashi Technica's sales staff are technical experts.


All of Ohashi Technica’s sales staff are technical experts.


We anticipate the issues and needs of customers including auto manufacturers and
auto part manufacturers and use our cutting-edge technical knowledge, quality, processes,
management, cost control, and expertise to solve problems speedily.

Advantage 2 The ideal and best parts : We procure the ideal and best parts to answer all of our customers’ needs.


We not only have a network of about 300 subcontractors that are highly competitive
in processes, quality, cost, and technical ability, but also have functions for technical
development and manufacturing in our own environment.


By combining our rich subcontractor network with our original Ohashi Technica technology
and manufacturing functions, we answer all of our customers’ needs as we supply them
with the ideal and best auto parts.

Advantage 3 Superior technical development : Our ever-strengthening technical development improves the performance of auto parts.


The synergy of original Ohashi Technica technology and the technical prowess of
our subcontractors raises engineering to a higher level.


We propose the ideal processing technologies for our customers and supply them with new value
(including reduced costs, improved function, and enhanced environmental characteristics).


Meanwhile, we continue to aggressively develop new processing technologies.

Advantage 4 Globalization : Ohashi Technica is prepared as overseas production accelerates in the auto industry.


Auto manufacturers are expanding globally and building local production systems.




To answer our customers’ needs such as for reduced part shipping costs
and stable supply, we continue to enhance our local production system and establish new business
locations, especially in emerging markets, to supply high-quality auto parts globally.


We have the capability to supply high-quality auto parts anywhere in the world.

Overall creation of value
Our customers choose us because we stay one step ahead in creating value.


Ohashi Technica aims to answer customer needs from a global perspective
and supply the ideal and best products.